Announcing the launch of The Liftology Project

March 01, 2021

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of The Liftology Project.

The Liftology Project brings together the very best coaches to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

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Why we started The Liftology Project

People today are inundated with so much information, but don’t actually know how or where to start.

There are so many trainers, gyms, and programs out there - how can a normal person work out which one works and is best suited to their needs and goals?

That’s the hardest part.

Then there is the huge number of trainers out there. Most of them mean well, but many of them just don’t have the experience or systems to understand your needs and help you achieve your goals.

How many times have you heard stories about trainers pushing someone until they throw up?

How many of your friends have ended up with backpain because they pushed too hard?

How many times have you seen people start training only to lose motivation and not achieve their goals?

Well that stops now.

How is The Liftology Project different?

The Liftology Project works with the very best coaches and tailors programs just for you based on proven systems.

Based on over 15 years of experience working with leading trainers and coaches from around the world our team, led by Head Coach Mitch Jobson, applies the very best of science, psychology, technique, and culture.


There are many ways to program a workout regime. Just because one program may work for you doesn’t mean it will work for your friend.

Tailoring a program for a specific person needs to take into account where you are at today, what goal you want to achieve, what your mini goals are along the way, how much time you can commit to a program, what your experience is, and any other factors like injuries or physical limitiations.

Knowing what is just as important as knowing when. We believe in applying science to our program selection and tailoring it to your specific needs, experience, and goals.

That’s why we’ve called ourselves The Liftology Project and combined the image of a barbell with that of a DNA helix.


People need goals and they need help sticking to them. Goal setting and forming habits is hard. If it were easy, you’d have the body and strength you wanted without needing our help.

Our coaches understand this and work to help you set Big Hairy Audacious Goals as well as smaller milestone achievements. There is no point setting a massive goal that is 12 months away and being demoralised because you haven’t achieved it yet.

We know how, and help you, to set the right progress goals so you can celebrate the wins along the way to what you really want to achieve.

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Technique is important, but so is progress. We match the right mix of getting you moving safely while ensuring you’re always making progress.

There is no point teaching you all of the theory of a particular lift before you’ve ever picked up a bar or dumbbell. But we do need to keep you safe. That is why we focus on teaching you in stages - as you master one component, we focus on the next. Always keeping progression, safety, and correct movement in balance.

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Just like at your workplace or sporting club, culture is critical to the success of any group of people. It is often overlooked as fluffy and a waste of time. From studying and learning from some of the best in the world, we know that culture is one of our secret ingredients to success.

We train together, and we celebrate together.


What’s Next?

Well, we encourage you to check us out.

We offer a no obligation free assessment so we can get to know you and discuss how we could help.

From there, it’s as simple as deciding - do I want to train in a gym or follow along online at home.

Written by Mitch Jobson Head Coach at the Liftology Project. Passionate about helping YOU achieve your goals..